Art of Trade

 Art of Trade NFT

The Art of Trade is an NFT art collection on OpenSea.

Unlocking NFT

Ownership unlocks access to Instructional Videos that share secret information about NFT collections as well as Instructional Videos on how to find the next crypto that is set to breakout or breakdown, before the social crowds buy in.

NFT Rarity

Rarity is in the supply. There is a total supply of 1023 Art of Trade NFTs and the supply per NFT is provided below:

Collection Economics

The value of owning an Art of Trade NFT is not only in the rarity of the collection, but in the utility of information. 

Royalty is set low at 1.95% on OpenSea.

Managed floor price, based on Plan of Release and adjusted to Activity.

Economic plan is simple. The entire supply is based on doubling, with exactly the same numbers you would see in the computer world.  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc,. This makes the Art of Trade starting economics easy to understand. Examine Phase 1 Plan of Release to better understand the value of the collection and a single card, according to its rarity - the numbers are in a pattern, easy to understand.

This doubling strategy makes the entire collection equally valued from the start. The rare availability of #3 in the same as the combined availability of #10.

Plan of Release 

Phase 1 - 25% of NFTs listed 
- #3 - 1 listed at 0.128 ETH
- #4 - 2 listed at 0.064 ETH
- #5 - 4 listed at 0.032 ETH
- #6 - 8 listed at 0.016 ETH
- #7 - 16 listed at 0.008 ETH
- #8 - 32 listed at 0.004 ETH
- #9 - 64 listed at 0.002 ETH
 #10 - 128 listed at 0.001 ETH
New supply of 255.
Total supply of 255.

Phase 2 - 25% of NFTs listed 
- #2 - 1 listed at 0.512 ETH
- #3 - 1 listed at 0.256 ETH
- #4 - 2 listed at 0.128 ETH
- #5 - 4 listed at 0.064 ETH
- #6 - 8 listed at 0.032 ETH
- #7 - 16 listed at 0.016 ETH
- #8 - 32 listed at 0.008 ETH
- #9 - 64 listed at 0.004 ETH
 #10 - 128 listed at 0.002 ETH
New supply of 256.
Total supply of 511.

Phase 3 - 25% of NFTs listed 
- #1 - 1 listed at 2.048 ETH-
- #2 - 1 listed at 1.024 ETH
- #3 - 1 listed at 0.512 ETH
- #4 - 2 listed at 0.256 ETH
- #5 - 4 listed at 0.128 ETH
- #6 - 8 listed at 0.064 ETH
- #7 - 16 listed at 0.032 ETH
- #8 - 32 listed at 0.016 ETH
- #9 - 64 listed at 0.008 ETH
 #10 - 128 listed at 0.004 ETH
New supply of 257.
Total supply of 768.

Phase 4 - 25% of NFTs listed 
- #3 - 1 listed at 1.024 ETH
- #4 - 2 listed at 0.512 ETH
- #5 - 4 listed at 0.256 ETH
- #6 - 8 listed at 0.128 ETH
- #7 - 16 listed at 0.064 ETH
- #8 - 32 listed at 0.032 ETH
- #9 - 64 listed at 0.016 ETH
 #10 - 128 listed at 0.008 ETH
New supply of 255.
Total supply of 1023.


- Create 10 original cryptocurrency trade images.
- Create blog.
- Create NFT Collection secret video message.
- Create Crypto Trade insiders video message.
- Test NFT Ownership utility use.
- Create YouTube Art of Trade channel.
- Mint all 10 NFTs according to supply on the Polygon network.
- List Phase 1 NFTs.
- List Phase 2 NFTs.
- List Phase 3 NFTs.
- List Phase 4 NFTs.
- Develop Art of Trade YouTube channel and Twitter feed.
